Rain and thunder is close but won’t reach us.

There’s thunder nearby but looking at the radar sequence on all weather sites it will miss us, I wouldn’t mind if we had gotten the rain because my two big water barrels are closing in to be empty and the cooler air would be nice as well. The cool air will come tonight though but only stay for one day, it’ll be warm again on Saturday.

A tiny part of my Lilac hedge, I have around 30 meters (much the same in yards) of it and I truly dislike Lilacs πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ In front of it stands a Red leafed Rose.

Whitebeam. A close relative to the Rowan tree and can become fairly large. I would like to have one in my garden but I have so many other trees growing now so it’ll have to wait until I win the lottery and can buy lots of new land πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

We haven’t had any walk today because it is just too hot for a puppy and an eighteen year old dog, it was bad enough yesterday when we were out for a short walk. Still I’m not yet complaining about it being too warm πŸ™‚ Alma and Malkolm have been outside playing a lot though and now they sleep here beside me on the cooler floor while Nova sleeps on two fleece blankets and snoring loudly as well πŸ™‚

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Alma has stayed in the dog yard all day today, Yay πŸ™‚ funny because today had been the perfect day for her to do it when it comes to me and my job. The same company all day long, only one color and long series of what I painted. She always escapes those days when it is most inconvenient πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ I must admit though that the dog yard hasn’t been this clean and tidy in a long time. I’ve been there fixing and cleaning almost every day and all eventual plants that tends to grow in there are almost totally gone πŸ™‚ Nothing bad that doesn’t bring something good with it as we say over here πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

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So I’ve mostly hand watered the vegetable patch and all the potted plants. The vegetable patch has only been fried by the sun but the wind can’t reach it, so the ground was actually a bit damp on the surface now in the evening. The potted plants however needed a lot of water. It’s always a bit tricky to water all the potted trees and bushes because some need acidic water, like the Pawpaw and other preferres water with lots of lime in it, like peaches and Apricots. So now I need to place them in two groups so that I don’t use the wrong water.

One of the Ginkgo’s I had in my garden survived the snow storm, the other one seems to have died.
My seed sown Pawpaw’s. Three of them now have new leafs growing out and three have leafs since during winter and I think those need to drop before they too get new leafs.
Can You see the tiny green dots? New leafs on the outdoors Pawpaw!
This and the next one shows the two Pawpaws I bought this spring.

I can also tell You that the Pawpaw that stayed in the garden all winter has survived because today I could see the first tiny leafs growing on it πŸ™‚ The Columbines are opening up now and the tree peony has big buds πŸ™‚ My seeds sown Gardenias are either flowering or just about to. The seeds sown aren’t filled with petals like the ones we can buy and has a slightly weaker scent so they are easier to have if one has problems with strong smells.

Columbine. If You look at the petals they look like a dove seen from the side, hence the name, columbine means dove like.
This and the next one is the same species but since they self sow all kinds of varieties can show.


I “won” almost nine dollars US on the lottery yesterday πŸ™‚ I use ” because if I don’t win on Saturday I’ve only lost 3 dollars US πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ It’s a bit sad when one is happy because one only lost three dollars πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

Have a great day!

8 thoughts on “Rain and thunder is close but won’t reach us.

  1. I am not super crazy about lilacs either, but some people absolutely love them. Your columbines are beautiful though! We don’t see many ginko trees here. There is one in the Botanic Gardens and I made note of the location of a newly planted one when walking home from a grocery store last fall. I want to see their fall colors!

    Alma and Malkolm look so happy with each other.


    1. Hi ppekka!
      One lilac at a distance is ok but I just have too much of it. The smell is horribly strong but it’s too much work to remove them all and I’m too lazy to do it πŸ™‚

      Ginkgo’s can give fruits that smell horrible, something towards dog poop but they say that the ones that is sold are male trees. Turns out that they can change sex and become female trees later on πŸ™‚ I do hope my trees doesn’t πŸ™‚
      Mine get bright yellow in autumn.

      They do!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Oh, I didn’t know they had malodorous fruit! I saw a little ginko tree in the Botanic Gardens yesterday that was being trained as a bonsai. Kind of cute.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. My daughter had a big Ginko and it dropped lots of seed pods that were very stinky. Hope yours is different. I’m having aches and pains from my old age and an autoimmune disorder so even though it’s warm I can’t get out for a walk. Hate getting old but I guess it’s better than the alternative. Have a good weekend.


    1. Hi librall!

      Yes the horrible stench from the Ginkgo fruits πŸ™‚ The ones one can buy are said to be only male so there won’t be any fruits but then it turns out that the trees can change their sex and become female πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ The nuts is said to taste really good though but I still would prefer that they don’t give fruits πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚
      Much the same here, I have Bechterews disease, auto immune as well and attacks my spine ad has already destroyed my hips and one doctor said I have a Scandinavian variety of it so it can hit almost anywhere, oh the joy. At the moment it loves to hit my right foot. So now I’ve got permission to use special shoes that doesn’t protect my feet if something hits them but will help me of not having that awful pain all day. Yes oh the joy of getting old πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  3. Love your beautiful photos and happy gardening, thank you πŸ™πŸ Thanks too for reminding me…I’m in Europe and will look for a lotto outlet tomorrow. Best of luck to us both! 😊


    1. Hi blythedunbar!

      I’m glad You like them πŸ™‚
      The Euro jackpot is now up at around 95 million euros πŸ™‚
      Yes best of luck to us both πŸ™‚


      1. Ooo sorry, missed your comment. Thank you for reminding me, I’m so busy i forgot to check my ticket from Friday night. Tomorrow i hope to buy another one in Ireland, assuming they participate. Good luck to us both again πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ and holding thumbs πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜ƒ
        Have a happy week!

        Liked by 1 person

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